April 2015

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These cartoons were originally published in The Wellington Times, throughout April, 2015.

March 2015

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These cartoons were originally published in The Wellington Times, throughout March, 2015.

Colonoscopy Cuts

ColonoscopyOur poor Picton hospital is shrinking, one department at a time. Now the axe is falling on the endoscopy department. Personally it’s 45 minutes to Belleville General for me, versus 10 minutes to Picton. A fully functional hospital is a must in any area, especially in an area with a growing number of seniors.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, December 3, 2014.

Dump Degree

DumpLot’s of people could use a hand finding a job these days, it’s tough all over. You always want to find the best candidate for the job, but stating that you prefer post-secondary for a part-time, entry level position at the dump seems a little bit non-inclusive.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, October 22, 2014.

County Experience #1 – Whine Farming

County Experience no1The County is a great place to live. Fantastic actually. Much like the rest of Canada, it is filled with a variety of colourful individuals who have moved here from near or far at one time or another. Some more recently, some have deeper roots. Most have an opinion on where things are going, but for better or worse they are all allowed to have an equal say on the County’s future, so say the laws of the Country that this County resides in. Learn to get along, or move along and till another field.

This cartoon is the first in a series of County Experience cartoons featuring a County twist on a classic image. How many will there be, and how often will they come out? That’s all part of the experience.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, June 18, 2014.

Bath Water

Bath WaterNormally I would try to avoid this kind of cliché, but Council itself has become a tired trend. They continually commission studies, consult experts, poll residents, spending countless hours and dollars to get top notch information on a particular subject, and then in the end, throw it all away and decide to do nothing. More time is needed, more options desired, all the while they burn through cash as if it was simply growing in the dried up fields around them.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, April 16, 2014.