DND Unexploded Bombs

Unexploded BombsThe Wellers Bay area was closed in 2011 as it was deemed too dangerous for visitors. I’m not sure if it is still closed today, but there are several places throughout Prince Edward County and Ontario in general that are potentially chock-full of unexploded bombs. I don’t know about you, but I always got in trouble when I left my stuff lying around.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, August 14, 2013.

Turtle Power

Turtle PowerSo the inconspicuous Blandings Turtle is responsible for shutting down an industrial wind project in Prince Edward County. Not human health issues, birds, bats or the unique alvar, but a turtle, who let’s face it, has no idea this is even being discussed. I suppose now we just wait to see if the appeal is appealed.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, July 10, 2013.

Maternity Ward Closes

Maternity WardWhat are the two main issues in Prince Edward County right now? Our Hospital is in dire shape due to cuts, and of course, the impending industrial turbines. I like being able to blend various concepts into one cartoon. Even if the end result is somewhat depressing…

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, June 19, 2013.

Picton Town Hill

Picton Town HillPicton is fantastic, but traffic can be a nightmare during the busy summer months. Add the six-way Tim Horton’s intersection on one side of Main street and the up-the-hill-has-the-right-of-way intersection at the other side and you’ve got the makings of some very bewildered and frustrated motorists.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, May 29, 2013.

South Bay Bear

South Bay BearOk, so there has only ever been sightings of one bear in South Bay, at least, only one bear at a time, and I don’t know whether it’s an adult or much younger. But, to be honest, bears also don’t talk, and they certainly don’t wear bells or have any concept of wind power or wind developers, so I’m taking a few liberties. But seriously, if you live in South Bay and you are out for a walk, wear a bell. It may not scare off bears or wind developers, but it will definitely let your neighbours know that the ‘crazy guy wearing the bells’ is coming.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, May 8, 2013.

Voice of the People

ProctorThere has been some debate as to the merits of the vote held in South Marysburgh last year, which showed 90% of ballots count for the ‘no turbines’ camp. Detractors point to the fact that there was only a 62% turnout, and there was no undecided option. Still, 90% of 62% of people who actually got off their butts to have a say, said no. Our local councillor, Barb Proctor, who initially wrote a letter to the Minister of Energy and the Minister of the Environment to support this 90%, now seems to be backing away from the people who elected her by recently voting against a motion to declare the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward is not a ‘willing host’ for IWT’s.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, May 1, 2013.

Recycle the Rim

Tim Hortons GeeseIf you’ve been outside at all in the past couple of weeks and haven’t noticed “roll up the rim’ cups fluttering around here and there, then I can only assume you don’t live in Canada. Also, this: Discarded fast food containers photographed throughout Prince Edward County

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, April 3, 2013.

Council Size

We have 15 councillors in Prince Edward County. 15. Plus the Mayor. That’s for a population of about 25,000. For a minute forget about the budget implications, and imagine what it’s like trying to get them all to agree on anything? In 2010 80% of returned ballots agreed that Council size was an issue. What have we done about it since then?

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, March 20, 2013.