June 2016

Tourist vs Local

School Bus

Beach Bust

Tim Hortons No Girls Allowed

White House Savings

Turbines Revoked
I Am Canadian

These cartoons were originally published in The Wellington Times, throughout June, 2016 and/or are available for use at Artizans.com

November 2015

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These cartoons were originally published in The Wellington Times, throughout November, 2015.

Leading the Charge

TurdalsWith all of our County council’s flip-flopping, poor decisions, reversed decisions, hand-wringing and hand-throwing-up-in-the-airing going on over the past couple years in regards to industrial wind turbines, I have no idea where they stand either as a group or individually. It seems that whenever anyone does make a stand, it doesn’t last very long. Who can point me in the direction of a decision by our council, or a firm non-retractable statement one way or another?

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, March 19, 2014.

Blanding’s Memorial

Blanding's Turtle MemorialAlthough they may appeal the appeal, the Prince Edward Field Naturalists have lost their recent court battle to keep industrial wind turbines out of South Marysburgh. This ruling may open the floodgates to hundreds of turbines along the southern shore of the county and the eastern end of Lake Ontario. An initial ruling had stopped plans for turbines in the endangered blanding’s turtles’ turf.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, February 26, 2014.

Turtle Power

Turtle PowerSo the inconspicuous Blandings Turtle is responsible for shutting down an industrial wind project in Prince Edward County. Not human health issues, birds, bats or the unique alvar, but a turtle, who let’s face it, has no idea this is even being discussed. I suppose now we just wait to see if the appeal is appealed.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, July 10, 2013.

Voice of the People

ProctorThere has been some debate as to the merits of the vote held in South Marysburgh last year, which showed 90% of ballots count for the ‘no turbines’ camp. Detractors point to the fact that there was only a 62% turnout, and there was no undecided option. Still, 90% of 62% of people who actually got off their butts to have a say, said no. Our local councillor, Barb Proctor, who initially wrote a letter to the Minister of Energy and the Minister of the Environment to support this 90%, now seems to be backing away from the people who elected her by recently voting against a motion to declare the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward is not a ‘willing host’ for IWT’s.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, May 1, 2013.