Parliamentary Seasons

Harper SeasonI get a little giddy when a new session of parliament starts. Kind of like when the Leafs start playing again in September. In both cases, my attention wanes after a few weeks, as the same old problems come up. I, like most Canadians, am easily distracted by just about anything else, and that’s what the government is counting on.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, October 16, 2013.

Proroguing We Will Go…

Harper ProrogueTruth be told, prorogation happens fairly often, and it’s not just initiated by Conservative governments. It does seem somewhat suspicious though, that our Prime Minister tends to pull out the prorogue card to avoid whatever scandal happens to be going on. Kind of like the way gas prices jump up just before a long weekend.

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, August 21, 2013.

Canadian Scientist Autocorrect App

More and more reports of the Canadian Government muzzling scientists are coming out. Unbelievable really, and really awful. So, in addition to this cartoon on the issue, I’ve started a simple tumblr account to delve a little deeper into the issue. Check it out here, and thanks to James McGarry for contributing to it!

This cartoon was originally published in The Wellington Times, February 27, 2013.

Harper Resolution

Idle No More

Harper ResolutionI certainly don’t pretend to understand all the details around Government/First Nations issues, or of the Chief Theresa Spence hunger strike, but it can’t hurt to just pop in for a visit can it? A short chat even?

This comic also represents my return to editorial cartoons, the last one being almost one year ago. I will be doing a weekly comic for the Wellington Times starting with this one, appearing January 2, 2013.

